====== Vidéo ====== * [[/informatique/streaming_video|/informatique/streaming_video]] * [[/divers/copier_streaming_video|/divers/copier_streaming_video]] ===== Conversion de format ===== Bons articles: * http://www.thehelloworldprogram.com/web-development/encode-video-and-audio-for-html5-with-avconv/ Pour WEBM: avconv -i the_video.mp4 the_video.webm Mais c'est très lent, genre en temps réel ... Pour FLV: avconv -i the_video.mp4 -ar 44100 the_video.flv Beaucoup (extrêmement) plus rapide que WEBM. Obligé d'indiquer audio_rate (-ar) sinon ne se lance pas, erreur : //Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Function not implemented// ===== Web player ===== ====Pour le web==== We need to encode our video with several different codecs so **that every browser can play** the one it likes. Codecs are a way to compress digital media. There are dozens of video codecs, but the ones you should know about for web videos are **H.264, vp8, and theora**. Each type of encoded videos is housed in a different type of container. Again, there are dozens of video containers, but for web videos you only need to know about **mp4, webm, and ogg**. ===== Video.js ===== http://videojs.com/getting-started/