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  • LinuxLive USB Creator



Small Linux




The desktop has never been this easy – Get your favorite web browser with a simple web-based interface on top.


JeOS is the abbreviation (pronounced “juice”) for Just Enough Operating System as it applies to a software appliance. JeOS refers to a customized operating system that fits the needs of a particular application. It is not a generic, one-size-fits-all operating system so it only needs to include the pieces of an operating system (e.g., Linux) required to support a particular application and any other third-party components contained in the appliance.

Quelques implémentations: Just_enough_operating_system

DSL - Damn Small Linux

Window manager


Documentation sur l'environnement graphique extrêmement léger FluxBox. L'installation et la configuration sont au programme:

Creating the Perfect Fluxbox Desktop on Linux



from LXDE project (Openbox, PCmanFM and LXPanel).


CPU affinity

Avec la commande “taskset” on peut demander au système (au scheduler) assigner un processus sur une ou plusieures CPU.

Package “schedutils”.

Changer l'affinité pour un processus existant:

taskset -c 1 -p 13545
taskset -c 3,4 -p 13545

Ou lancer une commande:

# assigne l'exécution de la commande /bin/zgrep à la 1<sup>ère</sup> CPU:
taskset -c 0 /bin/zgrep

noatime & nodiratime

  • noatime: Access timestamps are not updated when a file is read.
  • nodiratime: Do not update directory inode access times on this filesystem.
$ /dev/sda7 /chroot ext2 defaults,noatime,nodiratime 1  2
informatique/linux.1359292755.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 27/01/2013 14:19 de cyrille

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