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Object Relational Mapping (ORM) pour PHP


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Eazy PHP Data Objects http://www.ezpdo.net/

Xyster is a PHP application framework based on the Zend Framework. It adds several new features including a sophisticated ORM system, a dependency injection (IoC) container, a collections package, and additional MVC plugins.

POG PHP Object Generator, or POG automatically generates tested object oriented code that you can use for your PHP4/PHP5 application.



LightOrm is a small, fast and powerful ORM library for PHP 5. It has all main ORM features and even more, such as object cache control, memory usage control and some others. Benchmarks show that it is one of the fastest ORM library for PHP.


  • Objects cache control
  • Memory usage control
  • Objects buffer control (internal paging)
  • Bulk Load
  • Lazy properties
  • Native SQL
  • Hibernate like “Uint of Works”
  • Model class inheritance free

LightOrm vs Propel vs Doctrine benchmark





Outlet is an open source object-to-relational mapping tool for PHP.

It differs from other orm solutions for php in that it provides transparent, unobtrusive persistence. It does not require your entity objects to implement any interfaces or extend some sort of base class. It is also very lightweight, only a handful of classes and tools.

It uses an approach similar to hibernate in java, using proxy objects that save the data behind the scenes.


informatique/php/orm.1283808434.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 19/05/2012 00:15 (modification externe)

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