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Socket API pour Windows.

Windows Sockets 2 on MSDN.

Tips & Tricks

Winsock Error Code pour dotNat C#

Windows Sockets Error Codes on MSDN

using System;
namespace WinSock
	/// <summary>
	/// Description résumée de WinSock.
	/// </summary>
	public sealed class Error
		private Error()
		public const int WSABASEERR = 10000;
		* Windows Sockets definitions of regular Microsoft C error constants
		/// <summary>
		/// Interrupted function call.
		/// A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall. 
		/// </summary>
		public const int WSAEINTR = ( WSABASEERR + 4 );
		public const int WSAEBADF = ( WSABASEERR + 9 );
		public const int WSAEACCES = ( WSABASEERR + 13 );
		public const int WSAEFAULT = ( WSABASEERR + 14 );
		public const int WSAEINVAL = ( WSABASEERR + 22 );
		public const int WSAEMFILE = ( WSABASEERR + 24 );
		* Windows Sockets definitions of regular Berkeley error constants
		public const int WSAEWOULDBLOCK = ( WSABASEERR + 35 );
		public const int WSAEINPROGRESS = ( WSABASEERR + 36 );
		public const int WSAEALREADY = ( WSABASEERR + 37 );
		public const int WSAENOTSOCK = ( WSABASEERR + 38 );
		public const int WSAEDESTADDRREQ = ( WSABASEERR + 39 );
		public const int WSAEMSGSIZE = ( WSABASEERR + 40 );
		public const int WSAEPROTOTYPE = ( WSABASEERR + 41 );
		public const int WSAENOPROTOOPT = ( WSABASEERR + 42 );
		public const int WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT = ( WSABASEERR + 43 );
		public const int WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT = ( WSABASEERR + 44 );
		public const int WSAEOPNOTSUPP = ( WSABASEERR + 45 );
		public const int WSAEPFNOSUPPORT = ( WSABASEERR + 46 );
		public const int WSAEAFNOSUPPORT = ( WSABASEERR + 47 );
		public const int WSAEADDRINUSE = ( WSABASEERR + 48 );
		public const int WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL = ( WSABASEERR + 49 );
		public const int WSAENETDOWN = ( WSABASEERR + 50 );
		public const int WSAENETUNREACH = ( WSABASEERR + 51 );
		public const int WSAENETRESET = ( WSABASEERR + 52 );
		public const int WSAECONNABORTED = ( WSABASEERR + 53 );
		public const int WSAECONNRESET = ( WSABASEERR + 54 );
		public const int WSAENOBUFS = ( WSABASEERR + 55 );
		public const int WSAEISCONN = ( WSABASEERR + 56 );
		public const int WSAENOTCONN = ( WSABASEERR + 57 );
		public const int WSAESHUTDOWN = ( WSABASEERR + 58 );
		public const int WSAETOOMANYREFS = ( WSABASEERR + 59 );
		public const int WSAETIMEDOUT = ( WSABASEERR + 60 );
		public const int WSAECONNREFUSED = ( WSABASEERR + 61 );
		public const int WSAELOOP = ( WSABASEERR + 62 );
		public const int WSAENAMETOOLONG = ( WSABASEERR + 63 );
		public const int WSAEHOSTDOWN = ( WSABASEERR + 64 );
		public const int WSAEHOSTUNREACH = ( WSABASEERR + 65 );
		public const int WSAENOTEMPTY = ( WSABASEERR + 66 );
		public const int WSAEPROCLIM = ( WSABASEERR + 67 );
		public const int WSAEUSERS = ( WSABASEERR + 68 );
		public const int WSAEDQUOT = ( WSABASEERR + 69 );
		public const int WSAESTALE = ( WSABASEERR + 70 );
		public const int WSAEREMOTE = ( WSABASEERR + 71 );
		 * Extended Windows Sockets error constant definitions
		public const int WSASYSNOTREADY = ( WSABASEERR + 91 );
		public const int WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED = ( WSABASEERR + 92 );
		public const int WSANOTINITIALISED = ( WSABASEERR + 93 );
		public const int WSAEDISCON = ( WSABASEERR + 101 );
		public const int WSAENOMORE = ( WSABASEERR + 102 );
		public const int WSAECANCELLED = ( WSABASEERR + 103 );
		public const int WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE = ( WSABASEERR + 104 );
		public const int WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER = ( WSABASEERR + 105 );
		public const int WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT = ( WSABASEERR + 106 );
		public const int WSASYSCALLFAILURE = ( WSABASEERR + 107 );
		public const int WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND = ( WSABASEERR + 108 );
		public const int WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND = ( WSABASEERR + 109 );
		public const int WSA_E_NO_MORE = ( WSABASEERR + 110 );
		public const int WSA_E_CANCELLED = ( WSABASEERR + 111 );
		public const int WSAEREFUSED = ( WSABASEERR + 112 );
		* Error return codes from gethostbyname(); and gethostbyaddr();
		*= (when using the resolver);. Note that these errors are
		* retrieved via WSAGetLastError(); and must therefore follow
		* the rules for avoiding clashes with error numbers from
		* specific implementations or language run-time systems.
		* For this reason the codes are based at WSABASEERR+1001.
		* Note also that [WSA]NO_ADDRESS is defined only for
		* compatibility purposes.
		/* Authoritative Answer: Host not found */
		public const int WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND = ( WSABASEERR + 1001 );
		/* Non-Authoritative: Host not found, or SERVERFAIL */
		public const int WSATRY_AGAIN = ( WSABASEERR + 1002 );
		/* Non-recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP */
		public const int WSANO_RECOVERY = ( WSABASEERR + 1003 );
		/* Valid name, no data record of requested type */
		public const int WSANO_DATA = ( WSABASEERR + 1004 );
informatique/windows/winsock.1269013510.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 19/05/2012 00:15 (modification externe)

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