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Jeux, textures, mods… https://content.minetest.net

IGN Minecraft à la carte https://minecraft.ign.fr/ propose le format Minetest. Il faut d'abord choisir la “Plateforme” et ensuite apparaît le choix du “Format”.


Getting started, Controls

  • W/A/S/D: move
  • Space: jump
  • Left mouse button: Punch, mine blocks, move an item stack in an inventory
  • Right mouse button: use (e.g. open chest or furnace), place blocks, move one item or split items in an inventory
  • Shift + Right mouse button: place blocks
  • Middle mouse button: move 10 items in an inventory
  • Mouse wheel: select item in the hotbar
  • 0-9: select item in the hotbar
  • Q: drop block, item or tool in hand
  • I: open or close the inventory menu
  • T: open the chat window
  • Shift: descend on ladders or sneak (walk slower, prevents falling off ledges)
  • T – Opens the chat window.
  • / – Opens a chat window where the “/” has already been typed for you so you can then type a server command right away.
  • F5 – Enable/disable debug screen which also shows your coordinates. (Useful for using /teleport command.)
  • F10 – Open/close console/chat log. Shows previously issued commands and chat log and also will accept a new command or chat message. (Use Page Up and Page Down keys to scroll.)
  • Shift+Left mouse button – Automatically transfer item stack. (See Auto Transfer for full explanation.)




Realterrain pour construire un monde depuis des fichiers d'élévation et d'occupation des sols


minetest.txt · Dernière modification : 04/02/2023 17:14 de cyrille

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