====== PWA ====== ===== Progressive Web App ===== Documentation: * [[https://developers.google.com/web/progressive-web-apps/|Google Doc]] * [[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive_web_apps|MDN Doc]] (Mozilla Developer Network) * [[https://web.dev/learn/pwa/|Web.dev PWA]] by members of the Chrome team, and external experts. * [[https://w3c.github.io/manifest-app-info/#categories-member|W3C Manifest App]] * [[https://github.com/mdn/pwa-examples|MDN PWA Examples]] Articles: * Learn Progressive Web Apps with [[https://dev.to/nitya/series/16849|30DaysOfPWA Series' Articles]] by Nitya Narasimhan, 2022 * [[https://dev.to/azure/27-best-practices-for-pwa-authentication-29md|#27 - Best Practices for PWA: Authentication]] with federated, webauthn * Sur les techniques de "cache" et "offline" * https://web.dev/articles/offline-cookbook?hl=fr * https://14islands.com/blog/2017/01/19/progressive-web-app-from-scratch/ 2017 * https://14islands.com/blog/2016/12/15/vecka-progressive-web-app/ 2016 Tools: * [[https://www.pwabuilder.com|PWA Builder]] * https://github.com/pwa-builder/ * https://progressier.com/ * Take a screenshot website online * https://pikwy.com/ Applications: * App Directories * [[https://github.com/hemanth/awesome-pwa|awesome-pwa]] * https://linkcleaner.app/, https://github.com/corbindavenport/link-cleaner * web app that removes unnecessary junk from web links in one click. * If you install Link Cleaner with a supported browser and operating system (e.g. Chrome on Android), it appears in your system share menu * https://github.com/rh9891/TheStingyTraveler * gestion du cache des éléments web (version) * https://github.com/erickarugu/diginews * A sample Progressive Web App Created using vanilla JS - no framework at all.