====== FireFox ======
Navigateur web de la fondation Mozilla.
===== Plugins =====
==== FireBug ====
=== JavaScript Logging with Firebug ===
// console.log, console.debug, console.info, console.warn, and console.error
console.log("hello world")
console.log("%s is %d years old.", "Bob", 42)
console.group("a title") // to start a new indentation block
console.groupEnd() // , and then
**Object inspection**\\
Calling **console.dir(object)** will log an interactive listing of an object's properties, like a miniature version of the DOM tab. Calling **console.dirxml(element)** on any HTML or XML element will print a lovely XML outline, like a miniature version of the HTML tab.
console.dir( aObject )
===== Tips =====
==== Gestion des profiles=====
Démarrer Firefox avec l'option -ProfileManager.
FireFox.exe -ProfileManager
Utile pour ranger un profile ailleurs que dans "Documents & Settings".