====== CRM et ERP ====== TAGs: [[/glossaire/PGI|Progiciel de gestion intégré (PGI)]], [[/glossaire/ERP|Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)]], [[/glossaire/SIE|Système d’information d’entreprise (SIE)]] Guide comparatifs des CRM:\\ http://www.guidescomparatifs.com/CRM_SFA_gestion_de_la_relation_clients.asp\\ ===== Produits Libres ===== Dans le TOP 25 de SourceForge on trouve : * [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/postbooks|PostBooks ERP, accounting, CRM by xTuple]]: Free open source ERP, accounting, CRM package for small to midsized businesses. Runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows (built with open source Qt framework). Business logic resides in PostgreSQL database. Rich API for connecting to third-party apps. * [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/adempiere|ADempiere ERP Business Suite]]: ADempiere Business Suite ERP/CRM/MFG/SCM/POS done the Bazaar way in an open and unabated fashion. Focus is on the Community that includes Subject Matter Specialists, Implementors and End-Users. We are a community fork of Compiere. * [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/openbravo|Openbravo ERP]]: Openbravo ERP is the web-based ERP for SMEs. Available as a professional open source ERP solution, Openbravo ERP provides unique high-impact benefits: 1) Comprehensive 2) Innovative 3) Cost effective. ==== OpenERP ==== [[wpfr>OpenERP]] Open ERP (anciennement connu sous le nom Tiny ERP) est un progiciel de gestion intégré libre. http://openerp-france.com http://www.oocrm.com, OoCRM couvre l’intégralité du cycle de vie de la Gestion de la Relation Client (GRC ou CRM en anglais). ==== OpenCRX ==== http://www.opencrx.org openCRX is an open CRM solution that meets the needs of organizations requiring multifunctional, enterprise-wide coordination of sales generation, sales fulfillment, marketing and service activities to customers, partners, suppliers or intermediaries.\\ Le "[[http://www.opencrx.org/tour.htm|Tour]]" fait des comparaisons avec Siebel, salesforce.com, MS CRM, sugar.crm et Compiere. ==== Compiere ==== http://www.compiere.com Compiere Community Edition ERP & CRM [[http://www.compiere.com/products/compare-editions/index.php|Compare Editions]] ==== CiviCRM ==== http://civicrm.org/ ==== SugarCRM ==== http://www.sugarcrm.com/ ==== Vtiger ==== http://www.vtiger.com/ ==== Free CRM ==== http://www.freecrm.com/ ===== Produits Commerciaux ===== ==== Microsoft Dynamics Nav ==== Présentation de [[http://www.microsoft.com/dynamics/fr/fr/solutions/produits/nav-accueil.aspx|Microsoft Dynamics]] ==== SalesForce ==== http://www.salesforce.com/fr/ voir Ecrans interactifs.