====== Web Sémantique ====== Le site [[http://semanticweb.org/|Semantic Web]] et la page [[http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/Main_Page|Semantic Web]] sur le W3C. * glossaire: [[/glossaire/RDF]], [[/glossaire/RDFS]], [[/glossaire/OWL]], [[/glossaire/SPARQL]], [[/glossaire/PURL|PURL]] * [[/informatique/linkeddata|Linked Data]] * [[/informatique/microformats|microformats]] * [[https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/intro-structured-data|Google Search supporte les données structurées au format json-ld]] * [[https://search.google.com/test/rich-results|Votre page est-elle compatible avec les résultats enrichis ?]] [[http://www.lespetitescases.net/semweblabs/|Semantic Web Labs des Petites Cases]] [[http://www.slideshare.net/antidotNet|Les Slides d'Antidot]] [[http://www.multiformat.fr/web/langages/semantique/|Le cours de www.multiformat.fr]] The Politics of Vocabulary Control Musings on schema.org and Linked Open Data http://www.academia.edu/12364988/The_Politics_of_Vocabulary_Control_Musings_on_schema.org_and_Linked_Open [[http://www.ahp-numerique.fr/index.php?title=Veille_pour_SemanticHPST:Technologies_du_web_s%C3%A9mantique|Veille pour SemanticHPST:Technologies du web sémantique]] (des outils). Le [[http://francart.fr/|blog de Thomas Francart]] - "//Data artisanat//" : semantic web, open data, linked data, big data… et le **[[http://labs.sparna.fr|Sparna Lab]]** avec tout plein de choses autour de SKOS, SPARQL, Schema.org, DBPedia ... Quelques entreprises françaises: Antidot, Atos, Exalead, Logilab, Mondeca, Pearltrees, Semsoft, Temis L’INSEE publie ainsi des [[http://rdf.insee.fr/|versions sémantiques du Code Officiel Géographique (COG)]] qui recense les subdivisions administratives du territoire ou les données du recensement de la population. Etalab a aussi réalisé, avec le concours de la Direction de l’Information Légale et Administrative (DILA), un référentiel sémantique des administrations de l’Etat. [[http://www.culturecommunication.gouv.fr/Actualites/A-la-une/Lancement-de-DBpedia-et-de-Semanticpedia|Lancement de DBpédia et de Sémanticpédia]] Projet européen [[http://lod2.eu/|Linked Open Data 2 (LOD2)]] (Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data) http://semanticpedia.org : Sémanticpédia : Sémantisation de ressources francophones des projets Wikimedia - [[http://semanticpedia.org/blog/|plus d'activité depuis 2013 ...]] http://wimmics.inria.fr : Wimmics (Web-Instrumented Man-Machine Interactions, Communities and Semantics) bridging social semantics and formal semantics on the web. wimmics is a joint research team between Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée and I3S (CNRS and Université Nice Sophia Antipolis). * http://wimmics.inria.fr/project * http://fr.dbpedia.org/ ===== Ontologies ===== http://schema.org - Schema.org is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond. Schema.org is a collection of schemas that webmasters can use to markup HTML pages in ways recognized by major search providers, and that can also be used for structured data interoperability * http://schema.org/docs/full.html [[http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/|Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV)]] [[http://vocab.org/|vocab.org - A URI space for vocabularies]] (http://purl.org/vocab/) ===== Outils ===== ==== DB ==== === RDF4J === [[http://rdf4j.org/|RDF4J]] (OpenRDF, Sesame) is a powerful Java framework for processing and handling RDF data. This includes creating, parsing, storing, inferencing and querying over such data. It offers an easy-to-use API that can be connected to all leading RDF storage solutions. For querying and analyzing RDF data. It contains a triplestore. As of May 2013, Sesame is ranked highest in the DB-Engines Ranking of RDF Stores. Sesame supports two query languages: SeRQL and SPARQL. Another component of Sesame is Alibaba, an API that allows for mapping Java classes onto ontologies and for generating Java source files from ontologies. This makes it possible to use specific ontologies like RSS, FOAF and the Dublin Core directly from Java. Free text search capabilities can be added through the LuceneSail. === Apache Marmotta === [[https://marmotta.apache.org|Apache Marmotta]] is an Open Platform for Linked Data. Read-Write Linked Data server, RDF triple store with transactions, versioning and rule-base reasoning, LDP, SPARQL and LDPath query, Transparent Linked Data Caching, Integrated basic security mechanisms. Marmotta comes as a continuation of the work in the Linked Media Framework project === GeoSPARQL === Geospatial (GeoSPARQL) and free text search can be added through uSeekM. [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sesame_%28framework%29|more...]] ==== Interface humaine ==== [[http://semantic-mediawiki.org/|Semantic MediaWiki (SMW)]] is a free, open-source extension to MediaWiki – the wiki software that powers Wikipedia – that lets you store and query data within the wiki's pages. Semantic MediaWiki is also a full-fledged framework, in conjunction with many spinoff extensions, that can turn a wiki into a powerful and flexible “collaborative database”. All data created within SMW can easily be published via the Semantic Web, allowing other systems to use this data seamlessly. ==== Extraction sémantique ==== http://www.opencalais.com http://www.textwise.com/api http://www.alchemyapi.com/ ([[http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/|IBM Watson]]) * [[http://www.moreofit.com/similar-to/www.opencalais.com/Top_10_Sites_Like_Opencalais/|alternatives to Opencalais]] * [[https://www.searchenginejournal.com/semantic-search-engines/9832/|9 Semantic Search Engines That Will Change the World of Search]] ==== Webmaster ==== Quelques explications: * https://moz.com/blog/meta-data-templates-123 Tester les données structurées sur les pages web (référencement) * Outil Google de test des données structurées: https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool * Outil Gooogle d'aide à la création des données structurées https://www.google.com/webmasters/markup-helper ==== En vrac ==== [[http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/|OpenLink Data Explorer]] [[https://github.com/antidot/db2triples|DB2Triples]] - RDB2RDF Antidot implementation, LGPL Licence. DB2Triples automatise la transformation en [[/glossaire|RDF]] de données issues de bases relationnelles ([[/glossaire/SGBDR]]). [[http://www.cubicweb.org/|CubicWeb]] is a semantic web application framework, licensed under the LGPL. CubicWeb est une plateforme logicielle de développement, d'application web, publiée sous la licence LGPL, qui permet aux développeurs de construire efficacement des applications web en ré-utilisant des composants (appellés cubes) tout en respectant les principes de conception de la programmation orientée objet. [[http://jowl.ontologyonline.org/|jOWL]] is a jQuery plugin for navigating and visualising OWL-RDFS documents. [[https://jena.apache.org|Apache Jena]] is a free and open source Java framework for building Semantic Web and Linked Data applications. RDF (RDF API, ARQ (SPARQL)), Triple store (TDB, Fuseki), OWL (Ontology API, Inference API). [[https://github.com/edsu/lod-graph|lod-graph]] A protovis visualization of the linked open data cloud. More tools: * http://semanticweb.org/wiki/Tools on-line tools: * http://owl.cs.manchester.ac.uk/tools/webapps/ (converter, validator, metric...) ===== Drafts ===== J'essaye de comprendre ... ==== Exploration fr.dbpedia.org ==== En partant de http://fr.dbpedia.org/page/Corinne_Lepage * agent: Superclasses: owl:Thing -> http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing * député: Superclasses: dbpedia-owl:Politician -> http://fr.dbpedia.org/ontology/Politician * personne: Superclasses: dbpedia-owl:Agent -> http://fr.dbpedia.org/ontology/Agent * politicien: Superclasses: dbpedia-owl:Person -> http://fr.dbpedia.org/ontology/Person * http://fr.dbpedia.org/ontology/Person -> http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Person * owl:equivalentClass -> http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#equivalentClass * foaf:Person -> http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person * dul:NaturalPerson -> http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#NaturalPerson * wikidata:Q215627 -> http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q215627 * wikidata:Q5 -> http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q5 * schema:Person -> http://schema.org/Person ==== Exploration schema.org ==== http://schema.org/Museum * Thing -> http://schema.org/Thing * Place -> http://schema.org/Place * CivicStructure -> http://schema.org/CivicStructure * Museum -> http://schema.org/Museum http://schema.org/Event ==== Json-ld ==== JSON for Linking Data https://json-ld.org