Table des matières



Présentations de l'algo RSA:


RSA en Javascript

Implémentations RSA (et du BigInt) en Javascript:

Bench Signature RSA clé 2048 bits:

Bench Signature RSA clé 1024 bits:

.Net RSA Parameters

RSAParameters Structure (msdn)

RSAParameters field Contains Corresponding PKCS #1 field
D d, the private exponent privateExponent
DP d mod (p - 1) exponent1
DQ d mod (q - 1) exponent2
Exponent e, the public exponent publicExponent
InverseQ (InverseQ)(q) = 1 mod p coefficient
Modulus n modulus
P p prime1
Q q prime2
int dwKeySize = 384 ;
bool exportPrivateKey = true ;
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider( dwKeySize );
using( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( "RSAParameters.xml" ) )
 sw.Write( rsa.ToXmlString( exportPrivateKey ) );

Format .Net System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.ToXmlString() :



Public only:
