Lumen is a “micro-framework” built on top of Laravel's components, and is the official micro-framework of Laravel. Lumen is built for speed, and is one of the fastest PHP micro-frameworks available - even significantly faster than similar frameworks such as Silex.
Voir aussi le framework complet Laravel.
et pour certains points voir la documentation
On retrouve l'instance de l'application partout grâce à app()
laravel-fractalhelper : A simple api controller helper utilizing league fractal. You also get all the functionality provided by
laravel-apicontroller : A simple api controller helper trait, compatible with Lumen 5+ and Laravel 5+. The goal of this project is to make creating API projects simple. Inspired by Jeffrey Way
Limoncello Shot is a JSON API quick start application.
Technically it is a default Lumen application integrated with
JSON API Transformer Package.
Implementing the PSR-7 Request Interface. Using this request object will provide you access to all the interactions expected in a JSON API.
This library attempts to comply with PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4 and PSR-7.
Sentinel is a PHP 5.4+ fully-featured authentication & authorization system. It also provides additional features such as user roles and additional security features.
Sentinel is a framework agnostic set of interfaces with default implementations, though you can substitute any implementations you see fit.
I installed Lumen and wanted to use it to create a REST API (since this is the main usage of Lumen). But I didn't find commands which will speed up my workflow. That's why I created this package and included useful commands to build a RESTful API.
Laravel Support for Lumen: Adds missing helpers that are not being made to the core of Lumen. Lets you use Laravel Packages in Lumen.
There are some helper functions that are available in core of Laravel framework which are being used in Laravel Packages. Now because of these helpers missing in core of the Lumen, You won't be able to use those amazing Laravel Packages.
Fournie par exemple vendor:publish
This is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar.
This package provides an easy way to detect and apply the language for your application using browser preferences, subdomains or route prefixes.
TinyMCE editor for Laravel and Lumen Framework. Powerful WYSIWYG editor with easy installation and already configured to use quickly and simply.
Microservice developed in Lumen for sending emails in real time or by queue.