Voir aussi /informatique/design_pattern
des exemples de diagrammes:
Voir aussi /informatique/outils_de_documentation
yUML : diagrammes en ligne UML avec jQuery
http://bouml.free.fr non-free
BOUML is a free UML 2 tool box allowing you to specify and generate code in C++, Java, Idl, Php and Python.
BOUML is extensible, and the external tools named plug-outs can be written in C++ or Java, using BOUML for their definition as any other program. The code generators and reverses are ones of the pre-defined plug-outs included in the BOUML distribution. See features.
BOUML supports class diagrams, sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams, object diagrams, use case diagrams, component diagrams, state diagrams, activity diagrams, component diagrams and deployment diagrams.
Bouml JPA plugout provide a plugout for bouml that help to generate JPA models ready for use in playframework
Poseidon de GentleWare.