Beaucoup de source de données référencées.
DBpedia is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web.
Global Research Identifier Database.
Cataloging the world's research organisations.
LinkedGeoData is an effort to add a spatial dimension to the Web of Data / Semantic Web. LinkedGeoData uses the information collected by the OpenStreetMap project and makes it available as an RDF knowledge base according to the Linked Data principles. It interlinks this data with other knowledge bases in the Linking Open Data initiative.
Une instance CKAN par RegardsCitoyens.
Virtual International Authority File
licence: [|Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0] coupures électrique aux USA et la version spéciale pour l'Ukraine une zone sans avion en dit beaucoup search for unprotected connected devices