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Table des matières
Filament documentation:
Other docs & tuto:
Json data
Plugins & examples
- all examples for $99
- Many tips / tuto
Projects using Filament:
- https://github.com/AnimeThemes/animethemes-server (contributors: 4, release: 2)
- https://github.com/liberu-genealogy/genealogy-laravel (contributors: 11, release: 4)
- https://github.com/anoshiri/simple-hr Simple HR (contributors: 0, release: 0)
https://tomatophp.com/ Made With Love ❤️ In Egypt 🇪🇬
- Filament Users: User Table Resource with a lot of package integrations
- Filament Translations : Manage your translation with DB and cache, you can scan your language tags like trans(), __(), and get the string inside and translate them using UI.
- Filament Plugins: Manage your modules as a plugin system with a plugin generator
- Filament Media Manager: Manage your media files using spatie media library with easy to use GUI for FilamentPHP
- Filament Developer Gate: Secure your selected route by using a middleware with a static password for developers only
- Filament Accounts: full accounts manager with API/Notifications/Contacts to manage your contacts and accounts
- Filament Wallet: Account Balance / Wallets Manager For FilamentPHP and Filament Account Builder
- Filament Alerts: Send notifications to users using notification templates and multi-notification channels
- Filament FCM: Firebase Cloud Messaging integration to Native FilamentPHP Notification Package
- Filament Helpers: Helper Class Generator to manage your forms and table inside your filament app
- Filament Icons: Picker & Table Column & Icons Provider for FilamentPHP
- Filament CMS: Full CMS System with easy-to-use page builder & theme manager for FilamentPHP
- Filament Types: Manage any type on your app in the Database with easy Resources for FilamentPHP
- Filament Menus: Menu Database builder to use as a navigation on Filament Panel or as a Livewire Component
- Filament Browser: File & Folders & Media Browser With Code Editor
- Filament Artisan: Simple yet powerful library for running some artisan commands. this package is a fork of artisan-gui with some custom for filament UI
- Filament Settings Hub: Manage your app settings with GUI and helpers
- Filament Locations: Database Seeds for Locations for FilamentPHP
- Filament API: Generate APIs from your filament resource using a single line of code
- Filament E-commerce: Build your own e-commerce store with FilamentPHP with the Power of Tomato CMS Builder
- Filament Twilio: Send Whatsapp messages using Twilio and native filament Notification Facade class
- Filament Discord: Send Notification to discord channel Webhook using native FilamentPHP Notification Facade class
- Filament Translation Component: Translation Component as a key/value to use it with Spatie Translatable FilamentPHP Plugin
- Filament Sticky Notes: Add Sticky Notes to your FilamentPHP dashboard with tons of options and style
- Filament Invoices Manager: Generate and manage your invoices / payments using multi currencies and multi types in FilamentPHP
- Filament PWA: get a PWA feature on your FilamentPHP app with settings from panel
- Filament Simple Theme: A simple theme for FilamentPHP with custom user menu in sidebar
- Filament Subscriptions: Manage subscriptions and feature access with customizable plans in FilamentPHP
- Filament POS: POS System for FilamentPHP with a lot of features and integration with Ecommerce Builder
- Filament Tenancy: Tenancy multi-database integration for FilamentPHP
- Filament Withdrawals: Manage your withdrawals in Filament
- Filament Payment Manager: Manage your payments inside FilamentPHP app with multi payment gateway integration
- Filament User Logger: Log all user activity to file or log driver and preview it on your FilamentPHP panel
- Filament SEO Manager: Manage and generate SEO tags and integrate your website with Google SEO services
- Filament Documents Editor: Manage your documents and contracts all in one place with template builder
- Filament Social Media Manager: Integration of social media platform actions and auth to your FilamentPHP panel
- Filament Blog Template: Frontend for CMS Builder to build a blog and personal websites
Lara Zeus
Some free and some premium…
- Bolt: Dynamic Form Builder. dynamic form builder for laravel to use in your app, with so many use cases as a filament plugin, the prefect google forms alternatives.
- Bolt Pro: Advanced Features for the Form Maker. Form builder for your users, with so many use cases, use it as a FilamentPHP plugin
- Thunder: Laravel Ticketing System. Filament plugin to provide you with laravel ticketing system. offices, chat, and Frontend Ready.
- Hermes: Restaurants and Cafés Menu Management.
- Sky: CMS Blog and More.
- Wind: Contact Form.
- Dynamic Dashboard: Dynamic Widgets for Filament Dashboard.
- Rhea: Wordpress Import.
- Artemis: Themes for all Zeus Packages.
- Matrix Choice: Multiple Choice Grid Component.
- Helen: Short URLs Management.
- QR Code Field component.
- Popover: filamentphp component to show a Popover with custom content in tables and infolist.
- Accordion Layout Component.
- Hera: SEO scanner with reports and scores.
- Inline chart: filamentPHP column to easily add a chart in table column.
- Boredom: Use Boring Avatars as the default avatar provider in your FilamentPHP v3 application.
- Quantity: The Input Number component, with user-friendly increment and decrement controls.
- List Group: infolist layout component to group items with links, icons and badges.
- Athena: Appointments Managements.
- Chaos: opinionated filament setup, provides extra layer between you app and Filament, don't worry about generic column like timestamps and stuff.
- Tartarus: simple multi tenants with panels
- Translatable Pro: Build an Advanced, Optimized, High-Performance Translatable App with FilamentPHP.
- Delia: a bookmark manager for your filament resources
- Akin: telling a story with a design … another filament theme.
- Tiles: Image, Title and Description, a collection of components to present your data in an elegant way
- Hades: Allow Users to Save Forms as Drafts
Booking Appointmts Events
https://filamentphp.com/plugins/lara-zeus-athena $69
Filament Appointment Booking : Re-Use Admin Panel Form on Public Page]] (et l'article demonstrates three Filament features:
- How to show dynamic radio button values (timeslots) in live-mode based on the values in other fields (date).
- How to re-use the admin panel form outside of admin panel, on a public page.
- How to use FullCalendar to show the calendar of tasks
Point of Sale
TomatoPhp filament-pos:
- POS System for FilamentPHP with a lot of features and integration with Ecommerce Builder
- A comprehensive multi-tenant authentication and authorization solution designed for Filament, with a focus on company-based tenancy.
- Jetstream
Authorization & roles
- Filament support for spatie/laravel-permission
- github stars: 1.9k, releases: 86, contributors: 84
- Filament support for spatie/laravel-permission.
- github stars: 271, releases: 85, contributors: 58
- Log all outgoing emails in your Laravel project within your Filament panel.
- You can also resend emails with 1-click in case your recipient hasn't received your email.
TappNetwork/filament-maillog, code
- adds an event listener to log emails sent on mail_logs database table.
- It also adds a Filament resource to view the mail logs.
visualbuilder/email-templates, code
- email template management providing authorized editing, token replacement, multilingual support, mail class creation, and customizable theme options.
Knowledge base / documentation intégrée
- ajoute un menu
- accès à la documentation globale
- un accès contextuel
- pas d'éditeur intégré, ce sont des fichiers markdown dans un dossier
Json column
valentin-morice/filament-json-column, code
- Json Column A simple package to view and edit your JSON columns.
- github ☆ 34, release 8, contributors 3
- Based on javascript calendar https://github.com/vkurko/calendar
- github ☆ 184, releases: 20, contributors: 5
saade/filament-fullcalendar, code
- Based on javascript calendar https://fullcalendar.io
- github ☆ 316, releases: 36, contributors: 343
timwassenburg/filament-timesheets, code
Video Filament Timesheet Form: Modify Table Query and Custom Edit Page par FilamentExample et le code (payant)
- Configure scheduled routines for filament exporters
- with GUI
Activity log
hugomyb/filament-error-mailer, code
- also available for a classic Laravel project without FilamentPHP : hugomyb/LaravelErrorMailer