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informatique:php:laravel [06/07/2024 10:08] – [Packages] madewithlaravel.com cyrilleinformatique:php:laravel [12/03/2025 09:27] (Version actuelle) – [Documentation] cyrille
Ligne 26: Ligne 26:
 News News
-  * [[https://laravel-news.com]] +  * [[https://laravel-news.com|laravel-news.com]] 
-  * [[http://laraveldaily.com]] +  * [[http://laraveldaily.com|laraveldaily.com]] 
-  * https://laravel.io/+  * [[https://laravel.io/|laravel.io]] 
 +  * [[https://madewithlaravel.com|madewithlaravel.com]] 
 +==== Installation ==== 
 +Laravel 12 le 2025-03-12 
 +curl -s "https://laravel.build/tools-comptoir-net?with=mariadb,redis,mailpit" | bash 
 +cd tools-comptoir-net 
 +ln -s vendor/bin/sail ./sail 
 +# pour modifier le Dockerfile : 
 +./artisan sail:publish 
 +ensuite voir [[/informatique/ide/codium#laravel|codium with laravel-sail]]
 ==== Handbooks & Cheats sheets==== ==== Handbooks & Cheats sheets====
Ligne 124: Ligne 140:
   * [[https://laravel-bap.com/10-plus-laravel-packages-for-building-laravel-apps/|10+ Laravel Packages for Building Laravel Apps]]   * [[https://laravel-bap.com/10-plus-laravel-packages-for-building-laravel-apps/|10+ Laravel Packages for Building Laravel Apps]]
 +=== Outillage ===
 +[[https://github.com/spatie/laravel-package-tools|spatie/laravel-package-tools]] contains a ''PackageServiceProvider'' that you can use in your packages to easily register config files, migrations, and more.
 +[[https://github.com/spatie/package-skeleton-laravel|spatie/package-skeleton-laravel]] can be used to scaffold a Laravel package.
 === Mes indispensables === === Mes indispensables ===
Ligne 165: Ligne 187:
 Préférés: Préférés:
 +  * [[/informatique/php/laravel/filamentphp|Filament]]
 +    * [[https://filamentphp.com/docs|docs]], [[https://github.com/filamentphp/filament|code]]
   * [[https://orchid.software/|Laravel Orchid]] Develop web applications not admin panels - Laravel Orchid n'est pas une "solution clé en main". Vous devez posséder des compétences en codage pour l'utiliser. Il a été conçu pour faciliter la vie des développeurs lors de la construction de systèmes complexes, et non pour vous en fournir un tout prêt à l'emploi.   * [[https://orchid.software/|Laravel Orchid]] Develop web applications not admin panels - Laravel Orchid n'est pas une "solution clé en main". Vous devez posséder des compétences en codage pour l'utiliser. Il a été conçu pour faciliter la vie des développeurs lors de la construction de systèmes complexes, et non pour vous en fournir un tout prêt à l'emploi.
     * [[https://orchid.software/en/docs/packages/crud/|CRUD orchid package]]     * [[https://orchid.software/en/docs/packages/crud/|CRUD orchid package]]
Ligne 175: Ligne 199:
   * [[http://laraAdmin.com|LaraAdmin]] -> laravel 5   * [[http://laraAdmin.com|LaraAdmin]] -> laravel 5
     * [[https://laraadmin.com/docs|doc]], [[https://github.com/dwijitsolutions/laraadmin|code]]     * [[https://laraadmin.com/docs|doc]], [[https://github.com/dwijitsolutions/laraadmin|code]]
-  * [[https://filamentadmin.com/|Filament]] 
-    * [[https://filamentadmin.com/docs/|doc]], [[https://github.com/laravel-filament/filament|code]] 
   * https://silverbux.github.io/laravel-angular-admin/ Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate. Plus Oauth and JWT authentication on the side.   * https://silverbux.github.io/laravel-angular-admin/ Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate. Plus Oauth and JWT authentication on the side.
Ligne 318: Ligne 340:
   * [[http://programmingarehard.com/2013/11/10/eloquent_and_views.html/|Eloquent and SQL Views]]   * [[http://programmingarehard.com/2013/11/10/eloquent_and_views.html/|Eloquent and SQL Views]]
 +=== Generated column ===
 +  * [[https://ashleyshenton.com/articles/how-to-make-eloquent-play-nice-with-generated-columns|How to make Eloquent play nice with generated columns]]
 +=== GraphQL ===
 +  * [[https://api-platform.com/docs/laravel/|API Platform]]
 +    * Laravel ou Symfony
 +    * expose your Eloquent models in minutes with Anotation as:
 +      * REST API JSON-LD/RDF, JSON:API, HAL, and many RFCs…
 +      * GraphQL API
 +    * automatically expose an OpenAPI specification (formerly Swagger), dynamically generated from your Eloquent models and always up to date
 +    * benefits from the API Platform JavaScript tools: admin and create client (supports Next/React, Nuxt/Vue.js, Quasar, Vuetify and more!)
 +  * [[https://graphqlite.thecodingmachine.io/|GraphQLite]] A PHP library that allows you to write your GraphQL queries in simple-to-write controllers
 +    * Create a complete GraphQL API by simply annotating your PHP classes
 +    * Framework agnostic, but Symfony, Laravel and PSR-15 bindings available!
 +    * Comes with batteries included: queries, mutations, subscriptions, mapping of arrays / iterators, file uploads, security, validation, extendable types and more!
 +  * [[https://lighthouse-php.com/|Lighthouse]] A framework for serving GraphQL from Laravel 
 +    * il faut maintenir un fichier contenant le schema 
 +===== Permission & roles =====
 +==== spatie/laravel-permission ====
 +  * to manage user permissions and roles in a database.
 +  * https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-permission/v6/introduction
 ===== Authentification ===== ===== Authentification =====
Ligne 603: Ligne 655:
 } }
 </code> </code>
 +Qlqs articles :
 +  * [[https://laravel.io/articles/preventing-duplicate-form-submissions-using-atomic-locks|Preventing Duplicate Form Submissions Using Atomic Locks]]
 +  * [[https://wpwebinfotech.com/blog/atomic-locks-in-laravel/|Atomic Locks in Laravel: Mastering Concurrency and Data Integrity]]
 +  * [[https://dev.to/afiqiqmal/preventing-duplicate-requests-in-laravel-the-atomiclockmiddleware-j46|Preventing Duplicate Requests in Laravel: The AtomicLockMiddleware]]
 ==== Security ==== ==== Security ====
Ligne 717: Ligne 775:
 ==== Tools ==== ==== Tools ====
 +  * [[https://madewithlaravel.com/laravel-top|laravel-top]] un ''top'' pour Laravel (request, memory, cache, database)
   * [[https://underground.works/clockwork/|ClockWork]] a l'air plus puissant que Laravel Debugbar ...   * [[https://underground.works/clockwork/|ClockWork]] a l'air plus puissant que Laravel Debugbar ...
   * [[https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar|Laravel Debugbar]]   * [[https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar|Laravel Debugbar]]
Ligne 739: Ligne 798:
 When the queued job is being pulled out from the queue, the CallQueuedListener will check if it’s using the [[https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/events#manually-interacting-with-the-queue|InteractsWithQueue]] trait, and if it is, the framework will inject the underlying “job” instance inside. When the queued job is being pulled out from the queue, the CallQueuedListener will check if it’s using the [[https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/events#manually-interacting-with-the-queue|InteractsWithQueue]] trait, and if it is, the framework will inject the underlying “job” instance inside.
 +[[https://www.amitmerchant.com/prevent-overlapping-of-jobs-in-laravel/|How to prevent overlapping of jobs in Laravel]]
 More about [[.laravel:horizon|horizon]]. More about [[.laravel:horizon|horizon]].
 +[[https://www.amitmerchant.com/prevent-overlapping-of-jobs-in-laravel/|How to prevent overlapping of jobs in Laravel]] with the Laravel Job Middleware [[https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/queues#preventing-job-overlaps|WithoutOverlappingMiddleware]].
 === RabbitMQ === === RabbitMQ ===
Ligne 778: Ligne 841:
       * Some concepts were used from [[https://github.com/mookofe/tail|mookofe/tail]]       * Some concepts were used from [[https://github.com/mookofe/tail|mookofe/tail]]
 +==== Workflow ====
 +The Laravel Workflow library is heavily inspired by Temporal but powered by Laravel Queues.
 +  * La doc https://laravel-workflow.com
 +  * Un exemple super simple [[https://laravel-workflow.com/blog/email-verifications|Email Verifications Using Laravel Workflow]]
 +  * Exemple de transaction multi-services selon le ''Saga pattern'': [[https://laravel-workflow.com/blog/saga-pattern-and-laravel-workflow|Saga Pattern and Laravel Workflow]]
 +  * Exemple de couplage avec une StateMachine: [[https://laravel-workflow.com/blog/combining-laravel-workflow-and-state-machines|Combining Laravel Workflow and State Machines]]
 +42-Workflows is an free open source package to help you to automate your Laravel application.
 +  * https://workflows.42coders.com/
informatique/php/laravel.1720253289.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 06/07/2024 10:08 de cyrille

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