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Symfony 2

Please note that Symfony 2 is not yet ready for production. The final release is planned for late 2010 and will only support PHP 5.3.2. In the meantime, we highly encourage you to use the current symfony 1.4 stable release for all your projects.


A Quick Tour of Symfony 2.0

KNPLabs est impliqué dans symfony2, leurs contributions:

  • Symfony2 Bundles: Symfony2Bundles is a spontaneous community initiative! Its purpose is to help us to find the best Bundles. Symfony2Bundles inspects Bundles and give them an internal ranking, based on GitHub followers and forks, the frequency of the commits, the quality of documentation and tests, and more to come. These criterions are mixed up and result in an internal rank we use to highlight the best Bundles.
  • ForumBundle offers a simple Symfony2 forum.
  • MenuBundle provides object oriented menus for your Symfony2 project. The core menu objects can even be used outside of Symfony2.
  • UserBundle provides authentication features for your Symfony2 Project. Compatible with Doctrine ORM & ODM.
informatique/php/symfony2.1295182832.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 19/05/2012 00:15 (modification externe)

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