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jq a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.

Play with jq


  "member_id": 123,
    "date": "123",
    "media": [
     { "title": "foo" },
     { "title": "bar" }
    "date": "456",
    "media": [
     { "title": "foo" }
  "member_id": 456,
    "date": "789",
    "media": [
     { "title": "foo"}

Howto count occurrence of "grouped by key=value" with jq?

Sans group_by

jq '"foo" as $title | .[] | {
  id: .member_id,
  count: [.loans[].media[] | select(.title == $title)] | length
}' members.json
  "id": 123,
  "title": "foo",
  "count": 2
  "id": 456,
  "title": "foo",
  "count": 1

Avec group_by

jq  'map(
         (.member_id) as $m
        | .loans[].media[]
        | select(.title=="foo")
        | {id: $m, title: .title}
    |.[0] + { count: length }
' members.json
informatique/jq.txt · Dernière modification : 04/10/2021 08:40 de cyrille

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