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tags: géocodeur, Geocoder, geocodage


Jour de fête


An open source geocoder for openstreetmap data



La Base Adresse Nationale est une base de données qui a pour but de référencer l'intégralité des adresses du territoire français. Elle est constituée par la collaboration entre:

OpenCage Geocoder


Easy and open geocoding for the entire world

Leaflet plugins

Aussi voir http://leafletjs.com/plugins.html

  • Leaflet Control OSM Geocoder A simple geocoder that uses the OpenstreetMap gecoder Nominatim to locate places.
  • Leaflet Control Bing Geocoder A simple geocoder that uses Bing to locate places.
  • Leaflet GeoSearch - Small geocoding plugin that brings address searching/lookup (aka geosearching) to Leaflet. Comes with support for Google, OpenStreetMap Nominatim, Bing, Esri and Nokia. Easily extensible.
  • Leaflet OpenCage search A search plugin plugin that uses OpenCage Data’s geocoding API.
  • Leaflet Control Geocoder A clean and extensible control that uses Nominatim (OSM) or Bing to locate places. Easy to adapt for other providers.
  • Leaflet GeoIP Locator - A simple plugin that allows finding the approximate location of IP addresses and map centering on said location.
  • Esri Leaflet Geocoder - A geocoding control with suggestions powered by the ArcGIS Online geocoder.


search for locations by using keyless geocoding providers like MapZen Search, Algolia Places or Photon@MapsMarker (optional: use the geocoding providers MapQuest Geocoding or Google Places with mandatory API key registration),

GeocodeJSON-spec draft

A specification attempts to create a standard for handling geocoding results.


informatique/geocoders.1488309605.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 28/02/2017 20:20 de cyrille

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