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Memory Test

Outils pour tester la mémoire vive d'un computer


Ultimate Boot CD

UBCD 4.1.1 Contient de nombreux outils dont les testeurs de mémoire suivants :

MemTest86 +


Based on the well-known original memtest86 written by Chris Brady, memtest86+ is a port by some members of the x86-secret team, now working at www.canardpc.com. Our goal is to provide an up-to-date and completly reliable version of this software tool aimed at memory failures detection.

Memtest86+ is, like the original, released under the terms of the Gnu Public License (GPL). No restrictions for use, private or commercial exist other than the ones mentioned in the Gnu Public License (GPL). Texts about the original version was taken from the original website and written by Chris Brady.

Windows Memory Diagnostic


The Windows Memory Diagnostic tests the Random Access Memory (RAM) on your computer for errors.

Télécharger mtinst.exe et l'exécuter. Celui-ci propose soit:

  • De créer une disquette bootable avec l'outil.
  • D'écrire une image ISO bootable qu'il faudra ensuite graver sur un CDROM.
informatique/memory_test.txt · Dernière modification : 19/05/2012 00:18 de

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